Log-in to your AdOpt dashboard,
Click on "My Organizations" in the menu on the bottom left,
Select the Organization you want to add the new user
Go to the Members menu, second option from the left.
Click on: "Invite Member", on the right.
Enter the email address of the user you want to give access to.
Then, choose the permissions within the team hierarchy.
Lastly, hit "Save", an email invite is sent to the given email with a unique link to login into the platform, then your organization.
There are 6 activity levels, with 4 hierarchy roles that combine permissions to: A - Tag Setup and Banner Appearance B - Receive the notifications and access to the visitors' requests emails. C - Editing the documents: Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Opt-out. D - Plan and Payment Information, Invoice, limits, etc. E - Managing Users. F - Account Deletion/Delete user.
Roles: 1 - Owner: Maximum permission, the one who manages the users, including removing/deleting the account and has access to the account's financial info. 2 - Admin / DPO: All permissions except adding users and financial information. 3 - Analyst: Basic settings only and also receives system notifications via email. 4 - Viewer: View only.
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